Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art
Collections > Work
DUCHAMP, Marcel   1887 - 1968
In Advance of the Broken Arm
snow shovel (iron, wood) / readymade, 132.0(h) cm
1964 Schwarz edition, ed. 6/8 Schwarz 233/rev.332
The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Exhibition History
1993 Exhibition:Marcel Duchamp, Yurakucho Asahi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 1993/9/4 - 1993/9/22
2004 The copy age: from Duchamp through Warhol to Morimura: 20th anniversary exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, Shiga, Japan, 2004/06/05 - 2004/09/05
2004 Mirrorical returns: Marcel Duchamp and the 20th century art, National Museum of Art, Osaka, Osaka, Japan, 2004/11/03 - 2004/12/19
2007 Living in the material world: "things" in art of the 20th century and beyond, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2007/01/21 - 2007/03/19
2011 French window : looking at contemporary art through the Marcel Duchamp Prize, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan, 2011/03/18 - 2011/08/28
2011 Shuzo Takiguchi and Marcel Duchamp, Chiba City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan, 2011/11/22 - 2012/01/29
2015 Warau bizyutu, The Museum of Modern Art, Ibaraki, Ibaraki, Japan, 2015/02/21 - 2015/04/19
2019 The New York Art Scene: From Rothko and Warhol to Kusama and Basquiat: From the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga and More, Tottori Prefectural Museum, Tottori, Japan, 2019/04/13 - 2019/05/19
2019 The New York Art Scene: From Rothko and Warhol to Kusama and Basquiat: From the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga and More, Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, Wakayama, Japan, 2019/06/08 - 2019/09/01
2019 The New York Art Scene: From Rothko and Warhol to Kusama and Basquiat: From the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga and More, The Tokushima Modern Art Museum, Tokushima, Japan, 2019/09/14 - 2019/11/04
2019 The New York Art Scene: From Rothko and Warhol to Kusama and Basquiat: From the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga and More, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Saitama, Japan, 2019/11/14 - 2020/01/19
2022 Marcel Duchamp: A Revision of the Object, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt,Germany, 2022/4/2 - 2022/10/3
Works by this artist
3 stoppages étalon [3 Standard Stoppages], 1913-14/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Roue de bicyclette [Bicycle Wheel], 1913/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Porte-bouteilles [Bottle Dryer], 1914/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
In Advance of the Broken Arm, 1915/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Peigne [Comb], 1916/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
À bruit secret [With Hidden Noise], 1916/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Pliant de voyage [Traveller's Folding Item], 1916/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Fountain, 1917/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Trébuchet [Trap], 1917/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Porte-chapeaux [Hat Rack], 1917/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
50 cc d'air de Paris [50 cc of Paris Air], 1919/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Fresh Widow, 1920/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Why Not Sneeze Rose Sélavy?, 1921/1964, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
La boîte-en-valise [Box in a Valise], 1935-41、1963-65;1966(Series F), The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
L.H.O.O.Q., 1919/64, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
La Mariee mise a nu par ses celibataires meme.(The Green Box), 1934, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Rotoreliefs, 1935/65, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
The Box in a Valise, 1936-41, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Priere de toucher, 1947, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
The Bride, 1965, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Artist : DUCHAMP, Marcel [44]